Don’t Mind the Wind

Don’t Mind the Wind

Foundation Scripture: Matthew 14:22-33

- "The more you get closer to God, the more He reveals Himself to you."
- "There could be strong winds in your life that could throw you off your journey but as long as Jesus is around Don’t Mind The Wind."
- "When Jesus speaks, things change. You must believe in His Word"
- "A lot of things go wrong in our lives when we pay attention to the wind"
- "Jesus is alway ready to pick you up."
- "Once you pay attention to the wind, your faith becomes paralyzed."

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus at all times and you will not sink.

- "Once you take your eyes off the Lord, you give way for negativity to creep into your life."
- "You need to learn to face life with a positivity."
- "There will always be challenges in your life, God wants us to face challenges head-on and come out Victorious."
- "As a child of God, there shouldn't be any situation that swallows your faith."